Contact us for your surveying needs, fast and friendly service.

A Marine Surveying company on the beautiful Greek Island of Lefkada. With full professional indemnity insurance and third-party liability.
Clifford Blaylock is the owner and manager of Marine Surveying. I have lived and worked in Lefkada for the last eight years.
I owned a beautiful 22-meter wooded motor sailor called “Glaros” which is Greek for seagull for over 20 years. I rebuilt her, and maintain her myself which taught me a lot about wooden boats. “Glaros” was British registered and used to take charter parties around the Greek Ionian Islands, but because of Brexit she was no longer allowed to work in EU waters, and I decided to sell her.

For over 40 years, I worked offshore in the Oil and Gas industry as a commercial diver. A lot of the work I did was as a hyperbaric welder, welding pipelines at the bottom of the North Sea and other places around the world. I was involved in the salvage of the century when 5 tons of Russian gold was salvaged from the shipwreck HMS Edinburgh eight hundred and fifty feet down in the Barents Sea.

Why should I choose a BMSE surveyor?
BMSE surveyors have all passed the Practical boat surveying course, and through the BMSE private forum and BMSE meetings, the surveyors gain further experience and abilities throughout their careers. Having access to the entire BMSE membership through the private forum and email, they can seek advice and consider defects together and thereby provide the best technical opinion to the client.

The Yacht Designers & Surveyors Association (YDSA)
The Yacht Designers & Surveyors Association (YDSA) is the UK’s professional association for surveyors and designers and is a world-renowned organization. Cliff is an Affiliate Member of the YDSA.

International Institute of Marine Surveyors (IIMS)
Cliff is an Affiliate member of IIMS, and he is continuing his professional development through the (CPD) program to maintain his knowledge base, standards, and competency levels. As part of membership, IIMS members are expected to achieve a minimum of 10 points earned over a one-year period from 1st January to 31st December each year. Cliff has the CPD-compliant roundel logo on his IIMS website listing. He is continuing his professional development for 2023.